Start-web-app v2.0 You want tailwind support let's get it

Start-web-app v2.0 You want tailwind support let's get it


2 min read

Hello everyone👋.

Today i am excited to share with you that we have updated our npm package to major one i.e major release and added features plus typescript support as well so in this blog we are going to share all the information about this latest update so let's get started. In previous blog i have discussed the list of packages and why we have use cross-spawn

Upgraded to typescript

Redesigned the whole code base to typescript from javascript for type safety and better understanding of the code base and reformatted certain files.

Validate entered npm packages on fly

Previously we used to check whether the entered npm packages are valid or not after the user has selected everything and the process has begin so if the package is invalid then process will fail and there will be some files,folders created which will be of no use hence from now when the user enters all the packages and presses the enter key then only we will validate the packages hence any error in package name will be solved in start only and hence will improve user experience as well.

New Delete option

Added Delete project option which can delete all the files and folder so that the user can do a clean start.

Hot release added Tailwind css support

Added Tailwind support so from now onwards user can select whether we want to add tailwind css to frontend app or not and rest is taken care by us.

Minor updates

  1. Separated clone project option with rest of create new project options so to simplify the user experience.

  2. Better error handling for improving user experience.

  3. Reformat spinners used in code to show success or error once the process is done or failed.

Thanks for reading 😊😊😊.

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